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Dear Colleagues,

Meteotsunamis are atmospherically generated long ocean waves in the tsunami frequency band, and their amplitude may amplify contingent upon basin characteristics, often leading to significant damage.

Following 1st World Conference on Meteotsunamis, which was held in Split (in 2019), with a great success (captured in the special issue of Natural Hazards dedicated to the Conference), it was considered of great interest for a follow-up gathering.

The 2nd World Conference on Meteotsunamis aimed to deepen, expand, and disseminate knowledge surrounding the scientific, technical, and societal dimensions meteotsunamis. Menorca was chosen at the venue, given the past events in Ciutadella inlet on the west coast of the island, a worldwide meteotsunami hot spot.

Recent observations have unveiled the volcanic genesis of atmospheric pressure-induced meteotsunamis, notably the global sea level oscillations after the big Tonga-Hunga Ha'pai eruption, in addition to the meteorological origin of atmospheric pressure-induced meteotsunamis. Moreover, the evolving dynamics of climate change, meteorological conditions, and sea level trends are expected to influence the behavior and origins of meteotsunamis.

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, it gives us immense pleasure to invite you to participate and submit related papers in this international conference. Together, let us discuss and evaluate the state-of-the-art advancements and future perspectives in meteotsunamis worldwide.

Scheduled for 13-17 October 2024, (sessions will be held on 14-16 Oct.), the conference will grace the Baia Bodrum Hotel, Türkiye, welcoming a gathering of academicians, experts, researchers, professionals, operational experts, practicing engineers from around the globe in the related fields of meteorology, atmosphere science, marine science, coastal and ocean engineering.

The event will provide a unique opportunity for the exchange of ideas, fostering collaborations among scientists for future bilateral and multi-lateral scientific endeavors, both nationally and internationally. We eagerly anticipate your participation and support of this joint conference, which will be held in Bodrum, a wonderful coastal town along the western coast of Türkiye.

We plan to have special issue in high-quality peer-review journal, to be announced on the conference, where a collection of papers coming out of the conference presentations (but not restricted to) will be published.

For detailed and updated information on important deadlines, venue, and registration process, do not hesitate to contact us from conference secretariat mail info@3rdmeteotsunami.org. We are looking forward to hosting you in Bodrum, one of the most attractive holiday destinations in the world.

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, 

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

Dr. Gozde Guney Dogan Bingol

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Division
06800, Ankara, Türkiye

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